Grass-root beginnings.
Adam Lord, Dylan Cruess, Doug Palardy and Matt Mayberry recognized that New Hampshire's vital role in our elections process and the need for a Republican party to stand by its truth that it is a party of inclusivity. They joined their knowledge and love of the GOP to form the Log Cabin Republicans of New Hampshire.
They envisioned an organization that would be an avenue for gay republicans to influence politics of the Party, while also serving Republicans who promulgated their beliefs.
New Hampshire has an important role in our country’s election cycle with First in The Nation primaries. The State has always served as a litmus test for candidates' policies, providing an open forum to discuss issues facing voters both here in New Hampshire and throughout the country.
The LCRs of NH commits itself to successful Republican candidates who embody the value system of the Republican Party and are allies for LGBTQ issues and policy. The LCRs of NH are also commited to promoting a State that embodies the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the interference of government.